Credit Score needed to purchase a home?
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The better your credit the more options you have available to you and your rates tend to be better with a higher credit score. Credit score needed to purchase a home normally starts at 580
Credit Score needed to purchase a home
You can get a loan for your first or any home starting at 580. The higher your credit score is the fewer restriction you have. At 580 you need to have a certain amount of reserves/savings. Once you get up to 640 you have fewer restrictions as the loan can be approved in the automated system versus having to manually overwrite it.
You should make an application with a loan officer to see where you currently stand. Keep in mind if you are not yet there the lender might be able to help you improve your credit score. If your credit score is very low you should consider working with a credit repair company. Contact me for a referral to a reputable credit repair agency.
Speaking with Carol O’Connell a local Mortgage lender she is seeing lower monthly payments with an FHA loan for anyone with an approximately 700 and lower credit. This means you will have to pay mortgage insurance, but depending on your tax and income situation the mortgage insurance might be tax deductible. The best advice you should work with a lender to review the different loan programs available for you and then find out what works best for your personal situation.
Like with everything else the higher your credit score the more options and the better options you have, but don’t let that discourage you from wanting to purchase a home. Even if your credit score is lower then 580 there are ways to improving your credit score and getting you to qualify in the amount of time it takes for you to being comfortable with the loan program. If you are close to the 580 or 600 there might be a simple and easy rescorring process to get you to qualify. If you are far off from the 580 you should consider working with a credit repair company. Whatever the solution it all starts by making an application with lender.
Credit Score needed to purchase a home?
Apply online for a loan
Claudia S. Nelson
Keller Williams Realty